Read more about Queen Serenity at: Wikipedia Official Site: Toei Animation The Silver Millennium, a fictional kingdom in the Sailor Moon metaseries, lies on the moon. It provides a setting for the past lives and future selves of most of the series' major characters, and functions as a major driving force behind both plot and characterization. The series first shows the original Silver Millennium during what it portrays as an ancient Golden Age, marked by peace, prosperity, and good relations between the people of Earth and Moon. The English dub states that the Moon Kingdom existed one thousand years ago, but the original manga made it prehistoric. Despite its name, the Silver Millennium appears to have lasted much longer than a thousand years. The Moon Kingdom itself, ruled by Queen Serenity, centered in Mare Serenitatis (The Sea of Serenity). It was also home to Princess Serenity and her four guardians, later to be known as the Guardian Senshi. According to the Sailor Moon R series, a second Silver Millennium is built on Earth some time between the 20th and 30th centuries, this time known specifically as Crystal Tokyo. The royal family of the Silver Millennium bear on their foreheads special markings shaped like small crescent moons. These appear on the , Moon Princess/Neo-Queen Serenity, and Neo Princess "Small Lady" Serenity, as well as Sailor Venus while disguised as the Moon Princess, and the moon cats - Luna, Artemis and Diana. In the anime, non-royal civilians of the Moon Kingdom lack the symbol on their foreheads. The Silver Millennium, though it had a fairy-tale appearance, demonstrated an advanced technology. It existed within a dome which produced an artificial climate, and had an advanced computer called the "Eternity Main System". The inhabitants who lived in the Silver Millennium had very long life spans and were given two specific duties: First, they were to protect the , an extremely powerful "holy stone" which had been handed down through the generations. Second, they were to watch over the evolution of Earth and protect it from any negative influence. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |