CBUB / Database / Comics / 9 / The 99

The 99

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Added by: LoneWolf

Read more about The 99 at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Teshkeel Comics

The 99 ( ), also written as The Ninety-Nine ( ), is a comic book published by Teshkeel Comics, featuring a team of superheroes based on Islamic culture and religion.

The series is a creation of Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, founder and C.E.O. of Teshkeel Media Group. The creative team for The 99 is composed of comic book industry veterans such as Fabian Nicieza, Stuart Moore, June Brigman, Dan Panosian, John McCrea, Ron Wagner, Sean Parsons and Monica Kubina – all of whom have worked at both Marvel and DC Comics.

Although the series is based on Islamic concepts, it is promoted as appealing to universal virtues, and the religion of each character is not made explicit.

An Origins Preview was first published in the Middle East in May 2006, followed by a US reprinting in July 2007 The 99 #1 was printed in September 2006 in the Middle East and was published in the US in August 2007 as First Light. Subsequent issues printed monthly to The 99 #7 within the USA and is ongoing monthly internationally. Indonesian and Indian editions are ongoing on a monthly basis.

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