CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / S / Skye Chandler

Skye Chandler

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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Skye Chandler at: Wikipedia

Official Site: ABC

Skye Chandler Quartermaine (born Antoinette Chandler; formerly Cudahy, Kinder, Davidson, and Jacks) is a fictional ABC soap opera character. Skye has been a regular character on ABC's three longest-running soap operas: All My Children (1986–1991, 1996–1997, 2000), One Life to Live (1999–2001), and General Hospital (2001–2008, 2010, 2011). No other character holds this distinction. She has been portrayed by several actresses, but the primary one has been Robin Christopher. Christopher returned to General Hospital in her signature role on August 2, 2011 and left September 19, 2011.

Skye arrived in Pine Valley as a singer and it was discovered that she was Adam Chandler's daughter by his first wife. She became the protector of her uncle Stuart Chandler (who seemed to be the only human being able to love and understand her). She had an affair with Tad Martin before "settling down" and marrying Tom Cudahy. As part of an AIDS hate group, Skye set fire to the house where AIDS victim Cindy Parker lived with her son, Scott. When she learned who was inside, Skye decided to brave the flames and rescue those trapped inside. Overcome by fumes while trying to rescue Cindy, Skye fell into a coma for over three months. Skye regained consciousness, but upon doing so she learned that her husband Tom had grown quite fond of Barbara Montgomery. So, Skye decided to continue pretending to be in a coma, and began lurking through the secret passages in the Chandler mansion to spy on everyone. Eventually, she "awoke" from her coma, but then faked paralysis in a futile attempt to guilt Tom to stay with her. When she learned Tom and Barbara were still seeing each other, she kidnapped Barbara, an action that prompted Tom to have Skye committed to the Oakhaven sanitarium, where she flirted with fellow patient Travis Montgomery.

Upon her release from Oakhaven, Skye took up with Pine Valley's resident do-gooder, Jeremy Hunter. However her eternal feelings of inadequacy and not being able to live up to Jeremy's expectations led her to drink, and she became an alcoholic. After successfully overcoming her addiction, her father, Adam, concocted a plan to use Skye to spy on his old enemy Palmer Cortlandt. Adam wanted Skye to date Palmer's nephew Will and thereby learn corporate secrets that would allow him to destroy his rival. Little known to them Palmer had the same idea to use Will to gain information on Adam through Skye. Slowly, the two spies fell in love and convinced their families that no useful information could be gained by continuing this maneuver. Adam and Palmer then forbade them from seeing each other, forcing them to set up secret meetings. Eventually, both Adam and Palmer reluctantly accepted their relationship. However, when Will was suspected of poisoning Palmer, Skye admitted to Will that she wasn't sure whether or not he was telling the truth about having nothing to do with it, and broke off their relationship. Skye ignored Will's pleas for her to stay in Pine Valley and decided to move to Minnesota to work with recovering addicts. (Will was later cleared after Skye had left town).

In an "off screen" development, Skye left for New York City where she met and married the villainous Dr. Jonathan Kinder. Upon finding out that Kinder was using experimental drugs on, and subsequently killing, his patients, Skye planned to report Jonathan to the authorities. Kinder found out, drugged her, and locked her up. When Kinder came to Pine Valley, he brought Skye along with him and hid her in a mansion outside of town. In a twist of fate, fellow town pariah, Janet Green, was captured by Jonathan when she became suspicious of him when she was his secretary, and found that Skye was being held captive. Janet didn't know that Skye was Adam's daughter because she was going by the name Toni- presumably short for Antoinette. While Janet went for help, Skye stumbled onto the Marick Estate and the Hunting Lodge. On this particular night, Dimitri was having an affair with his sister-in-law, Maria.

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