CBUB / Database / Horror / N / Nezulla


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 2
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Z451

Read more about Nezulla at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Media Blasters

Nezulla is a 2002 direct-to-video horror film B movie, directed by Japanese director Kanta Tagawa. It stars Ayumi Tokitou, Yoshiyuki Kubota,and Mika Katsumura .

As a result of tampering with biogentic code by an American company in Japan, the mutant creature Nezulla, classified as half human, and half rat, escapes its containment and goes after the ill fated scientists that spawned it. To cover up the atrocity the authorities condemn the lab. Eventually when a bacteria found in the lab enters the sewer system, a squadron of soldiers is deployed to clean up the mess. .Upon entering the lab via the sewers, the troops are slaughtered one at a time by Nezulla, who's armor like skin easily deflect their bullets.

Desperate to get through to the gun powder room, a false safe explosive area, the commanding officer of the squadron bravely steps up to the creature, and forces a grenade into it's mouth. Although his arm was ripped out at the limb portion, he was still able to escape before the creature exploded into thousands of pieces. Once the creature finally died, the remaining troops set the gunpowder on fire, and caused a chain explosion that destroyed the lab, and the bacteria, and ended the film.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Kamen Rider Super-1 5 to 7
Loss Bulleteer 9 to 14

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