CBUB / Database / Games / X / Xenoborgs


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Xenoborgs at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Twentieth Century Fox

The Alien franchise features several morphs of the Alien life form.

Aliens are depicted as eusocial life-forms with a defined caste system which is ruled by a . Their life cycle comprises several distinct stages: they begin their lives as an , which hatches a parasitic larval form known as a , which then attaches itself to a living host by, as its name suggests, latching onto its face. The facehugger then "impregnates" the host with an embryo known as a , which, after a gestation period of several hours, erupts violently from the host's chest resulting in the death of the host. The chestburster then matures to an adult phase within a few hours, shedding its skin and replacing its cells with polarized silicon. Due to the transfer of DNA during the gestation period, the Alien also takes on some of the basic physical attributes of the host from which it was born.

Queen Aliens are significantly larger and stronger than the warriors, approximately tall. Their body structure differs also, having two pairs of arms, one large and one small. The queen's head is larger than other adult Aliens and is protected by a large flat crest. Unlike other Aliens, the queen also has high heel protrusions from its feet. The queen also seems to have increased intelligence compared to the other forms of the xenomorph, as the queen on LV-426 was able to learn to operate an elevator. Pregnant Alien queens possess an immense ovipositor on their lower torso, similar to a queen termite's, which is responsible for creating eggs. The queen is able to detach from the ovipositor. When attached to its ovipositor, the queen is supported by a "biomechanical throne" that consists of a lattice of struts resembling massive insect legs. Unlike insect queens, there appears to be no need for drone to fertilize an Alien queen's eggs. The Strauss Brothers, directors of the film, have since said that this is a stage between adult and queen known as Praetorian, by which a young queen attempts to quickly build its army before it grows the egg sack and cannot defend itself.

In the initial cut of Alien, the Alien possessed a complete life cycle, with the still-living bodies of its victims converted into eggs. However, the scene showing this final stage was cut for reasons of pacing, leaving the ultimate origin of the eggs obscure. This allowed Aliens director James Cameron to introduce a concept he had initially conceived for a spec script called Mother, a massive mother Alien which laid the eggs and formed the basis for the Aliens' life cycle. Cameron conceived the Queen as a monstrous analogue to Ripley's own maternal role in the film. have compared it to Grendel's mother.

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