CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / J / Javert


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Official Site: Victor Hugo

Javert ( ; c. 1780-7.6.1832) is a fictional character from the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. He is a prison guard, and later policeman, who devotes his life to the law. He is always referred to just simply as "Javert" or "Inspector Javert" by the narrator and other characters throughout the novel; his first name is never mentioned. Javert is the main antagonist of the novel, to Jean Valjean, the novel's protagonist.

Some consider Javert misguided rather than evil, although his inflexibility and cruelty throughout the novel moves in parallel to Jean Valjean's kindness. Those who consider Javert misguided believe that the distinction of pure evil in the novel more appropriately belongs to the greedy and treacherous Thénardiers. Others consider the Thénardiers dishonest, petty criminals; although their actual impact is minor compared to the significant levels of spite and mercilessness Javert inflicts on those he encounters.

Javert was born approx. 1780 (he is said to be 52 in 1832) inside a prison. His mother was a Gypsy fortune-teller, and his father was a galley slave. The text states that this experience convinced Javert that he must choose between attacking society, or defending it; given this belief, he joins the police.

Javert is initially an assistant to a guard in the Bagne of Toulon where Jean Valjean is imprisoned. He remembers Valjean for his extraordinary strength and rather gloomy and terrifying demeanor.

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