CBUB / Database / Comics / R / Ravencroft Institute For The Criminally Insane

Ravencroft Institute For The Criminally Insane

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Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: ViceCityMobster86

Read more about Ravencroft Institute For The Criminally Insane at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Comics

The following is a list of fictional prisons, asylums, institutions, planets, and alternate dimensions which have been used to imprison humans, superhumans, and nonhumans in various fictional comic book universes.

A prison-camp on the planet Tcharun. Its inmates are criminals and rebels against the Saurian Hegemony. The Saurian prince Tchlusarud is sent to the prison, but manages to escape and liberate the prisoners, using them as his army against the new ruler Khyradon. Kholyma first appeared in Sigil #22, by writer Chuck Dixon and artist Scott Eaton.

A facility in the universe of the Negation, the Prison-world houses 100 prisoners abducted from the Sigilverse, and is overseen by warden High Castellan Komptin. The Negation plans on invading the Sigilverse and constantly tests the prisoners to gather information. The Prison-World is destroyed during an outbreak in Negation #3, killing most inmates. The Prison-world first appeared in Negation Prequel, written by Tony Bedard and with art by Paul Pelletier.

A prison for superhumans located under the Citadel in Golden City, from Dark Horse's Comics Greatest World imprint. Citadel Prison first appears in Golden City Week 1 as the Vault, and later appeared in issues of Catalyst: Agents of Change as Citadel Prison.

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