CBUB / Database / Comics / N / Nathan Never

Nathan Never

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: CrinosVegeta

Read more about Nathan Never at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Sergio Bonelli Editore

Nathan Never is a black-and-white, science fiction Italian comic book, published monthly in Italy since 1991 by Sergio Bonelli Editore. It is written by Michele Medda, Antonio Serra and Bepi Vigna. Artists have included Claudio Castellini, Roberto De Angelis, Dante Bastianoni, Nicola Mari, Pino Rinaldi, Giancarlo Olivares, and Onofrio Catacchio.

The title character Nathan Never is a special agent in a semi-dystopian near future where crime-fighting is shared between the police and corporate detective agencies such as Never's employer Agenzia Alfa.

Stories typically merge classic urban crime, noir, and drama, with occasional forays into political thriller, survival horror, and space opera. Many issues quote classic science fiction film and literature, for example in names, locations, technology, etc. Primary sources of inspiration are Blade Runner and Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.

While most plots are self-conclusive within one or two issues, some storylines span five, ten, or even twenty issues, such as Alfa's quest to capture arch-villain Aristoteles Skotos, the Mutants' struggle to obtain equal rights, and the Earth's war with the rebelling space stations over food supplies. Continuity is a cornerstone of the series, with the effects of previous storylines accounted for and considered in subsequent plots.

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