CBUB / Database / Fantasy / P / Pug


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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Pug at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Raymond E. Feist

Pug, also known as Milamber (after being taken by the Tsurani to their home world of Kelewan), is a fictional character appearing in the novels of Raymond E. Feist. He is the protagonist in Feist's first novel, and the first novel of the Riftwar Saga, Magician. He is also featured as a prominent character in the other two novels of the Riftwar Saga, and also in the Serpentwar Saga, the Riftwar Legacy, the Conclave of Shadows, and the Darkwar Saga.

He is the most powerful magician in Midkemia save for Macros the Black. However, his power is recognized as stronger in the novels of The Conclave of Shadows.

Pug is the magician of Midkemia, a world popularised by fantasy author, Raymond E. Feist in his Riftwar Saga.

Pug is the child of unknown parents, an orphan abandoned at a monastery near Crydee, a town on the north-west coast of the Kingdom of the Isles. As a boy, he is sent to Castle Crydee and is adopted by Megar, the castle keep's cook. He grows up there, becoming the closest friend of Megar's son, Tomas, becoming almost a brother to him.

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