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The Trust

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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about The Trust at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Vertigo

The Trust is a fictional organization in the 100 Bullets comic book by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso, published by DC Comics imprint Vertigo.

The origins of the Trust lie back in the early 16th century. Following the discovery of the New World and its resources, particularly gold, the kings and queens of Europe all wanted a piece of the action. Thirteen ancient and powerful families, who up to that point had spent all their efforts scoring points off each other, realised that if they worked together in a newfound spirit of trust, they could acquire not just a piece, but the whole pie. The families had enough power to make or break kingdoms, and were thorns in the sides of the monarchs of Europe. They proposed that if the families worked together, they could relocate their power to the Americas and shape that land to their own needs. With their new base of power, they would remove themselves and their influence from the shores of Europe forever, allowing the monarchy to do what it would. Unsurprisingly, the monarchs said no. Most outspoken of these was Queen Elizabeth I, who not only said no, but intended to take the country for herself, and to this end had set up a colony on Roanoke Island. The families took this refusal badly and decided to send a message of intent.

Seven men were picked as enforcers for the Trust. These men would stop any threat either from within or without. They would be the new law, they were the Minutemen. The Minutemen were dispatched with their orders, and arrived at the Roanoke colony in the dead of night to commit 'The Crime'. During the course of the night, one hundred and nineteen men, women and children were slaughtered in their homes. Once every living thing was no more, the seven Minutemen carved seven letters into a sign for the kings and queens. The word was 'Croatoa', unknown in any language, but to the monarchs the meaning was clear...'this belongs to us'.

The Trust was made up of thirteen Houses (families). Most of the families are wiped out and their Houses absorbed by the remaining Houses during the course of the story because of conflict.

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