CBUB / Database / Comics / A / Ant (Image Comics)

Ant (Image Comics)

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Read more about Ant (Image Comics) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Image Comics

Ant (Hannah Washington) is a comic book superhero. She first appeared in Ant #1 (March 2004), published by Arcana Studios. Ant was created by Mario Gully and is currently published by Big City Comics.

The Ant comic was originally published by the small independent company Arcana Studio in March 2004. The creator and artist, Mario Gully, has stated that the concept of Ant was created while he was incarcerated in 1996 for attempted armed robbery. Gully says that one day he was looking through a barred cell window and a tiny ant crawled in from the outside. He later vowed to change his life and make something out of himself. He then created Ant.

"Days Like These", published by Arcana Studios, sold out in 9 days. The book later appeared on eBay going for

as much as $100 for a good condition issue #1. The first volume ran for 4 issues before moving to Image Comics.

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