CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / C / Cybermen (Mondasian)

Cybermen (Mondasian)

CBUB Wins: 8
CBUB Losses: 10
Win Percentage: 44.44%

Added by: AVP vs The Terminator

Read more about Cybermen (Mondasian) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: BBC

The Cybermen are a fictional race of cyborg who are amongst the most persistent enemies of the Doctor in the British science fiction television series, Doctor Who. Cybermen were originally a wholly organic species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas that began to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies as a means of self-preservation. This led to the race becoming coldly logical and calculating, with every emotion deleted from their minds.

They were created by Dr. Kit Pedler (the unofficial scientific advisor to the programme) and Gerry Davis in 1966, first appearing in the serial The Tenth Planet, the last to feature William Hartnell as the First Doctor. They have since been featured numerous times in their extreme attempts to survive through conquest up until the programme was cancelled.

Following the revival of the show, the Cybermen returned as a parallel version and appeared in the 2006 series' two-part story, "Rise of the Cybermen" and "The Age of Steel", and have been recurring villains in the revived series since. A further redesign took place in 2013's "Nightmare in Silver", showing technologically advanced Cybermen with a variety of new abilities. They also appeared in the Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood in its fourth episode, "Cyberwoman" (2006). Cybermen have also appeared in 2010 installments of the Doctor Who video game series The Adventure Games.

While the Doctor's other old enemies, the Dalek, were on the whole unchanged during the original series' twenty-six season run, the Cybermen were seen to change with almost every encounter. The Cybermen are humanoid, but have been upgraded to the point where they have few remaining organic parts. They retain living human brain. In their first appearance in the series, the only portions of their bodies that still seemed human were their hands; by their next appearance in The Moonbase (1967), their bodies were entirely covered up in their metallic suits, with their hands replaced by two finger claws, but they changed back to regular five-fingered hands in The Invasion (1968). As they are relatively few in number, the Cybermen tend towards covert activity, scheming from hiding and using human pawns or robot to act in their place until they need to appear. They also seek to increase their numbers by converting others into Cybermen (a process known as "cyber-conversion" or "robotisation" in the older episodes and "upgrading" in the newer episodes), an often painful process as body parts are removed and replaced with a cybernetic replacement.

Cybermen (Mondasian) Cybermen (Mondasian)

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CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss AraƱa 6 to 7
Loss Fearsome Five (Darkwing Duck) 4 to 7
Win Oompa Loompas 17 to 8
Loss Sailor Scouts 0 to 6
Win Hun 5 to 0
Loss Master Splinter (TMNT) 1 to 4
Win Casey Jones (TMNT) 5 to 3
Win April O'Neil 3 to 0
Loss White Fox 2 to 3
Loss X-23 0 to 6
Win Agent Bishop 5 to 1
Loss Black Widow 1 to 5
Loss Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 2 to 5
Win The Foot Clan 4 to 1
Win Domino (Marvel Comics) 3 to 2
Win Raphael (TMNT) 3 to 1
Loss Falcon (comics) 0 to 5
Loss Scarlet Witch 0 to 5

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