CBUB / Database / Comics / D / Detective Martin Soap

Detective Martin Soap

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Added by: ViceCityMobster86

Read more about Detective Martin Soap at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Comics

Lieutenant Martin Soap is a fictional character, a police officer in the Marvel Comics Universe. He served as a supporting character and comic relief for the Punisher throughout the character's 2000 miniseries and 2001 ongoing series. Soap first appeared in The Punisher (vol. 3) #2 (May 2001) and was created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon.

Martin Soap suffers misfortune right from the beginning. Moments after his birth, the nurse drops him on his head. He is abandoned as a child by his unwed teenage mother and raised in an orphanage. A meeting with an alcoholic police officer generates the desire to be a cop when he grows up. He joins the New York Police Department and despite being promoted to detective becomes known as a screw-up, describing himself as "the department's biggest loser." When the police department became pressured by Ma Gnucci to crack down on the Punisher, Soap is placed on the "Punisher Task Force", so the department could look like it was after the Punisher without really putting him in danger, as the Punisher is quite popular among most police officers. His first partner, Bud Plugg, is a forensic psychologist with no real police training. After Soap gives some well intentioned criticism of a psychological review about the Punisher, Plugg becomes despondent. He hangs himself in Soap's office.

Soap soon partners up with Lieutenant Molly von Richthofen, who was assigned to a similar task force after Ma Gnucci. The two work well together. Soap develops romantic feelings for Richthofen but is gently rebuffed when she told him that she was a lesbian. After the Punisher's assault on Ma Gnucci's compound, Soap and Richthofen are surprised by the Punisher, but let him get away in exchange for compromising pictures of the Mayor and the NYPD Commissioner. Using the pictures for blackmail, Soap becomes the new Police Commissioner. Molly retires to another country.

At the beginning of The Punisher (vol. 5), Soap is demoted to detective after being blackmailed with pictures of him with a prostitute. He is again assigned to the "Punisher Task Force". Distraught over the dead end his life has become, Soap attempts to commit suicide, but is approached by the Punisher. Soap agrees to become a mole for him, supplying the Punisher with information on his targets from the police database. After Soap kills serial killer Bubba Sparks in self-defense, Soap is promoted to Lieutenant.

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