CBUB / Database / Comics / B / Bird, Zombie & Trogg (Bane's Henchmen)

Bird, Zombie & Trogg (Bane's Henchmen)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: razorback

Read more about Bird, Zombie & Trogg (Bane's Henchmen) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: D.C. Comics

Bane is a fictional character, a supervillain who appears in comic book published by DC Comics. The character's origin was in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993), and was created by Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, and Graham Nolan. Bane has been one of Batman's more physically and intellectually powerful foes. He is often credited for being the only villain to have "Broken The Bat". IGN's list of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time ranked Bane as #34.

Bane was portrayed as a minor villain by Robert Swenson in the 1997 film Batman & Robin, directed by Joel Schumacher, and he was portrayed by Tom Hardy as the main antagonist in the 2012 film The Dark Knight Rises.

Bane's origin story is established in the story "Vengeance of Bane". He was born in the fictional Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, in a prison called Peña Duro. His father Edmund Dorrance (better known as King Snake) had been a revolutionary mercenary who had escaped Santa Prisca's court system. The corrupt government, however, decreed that his young son would serve out the man's life sentence, and thus Bane's childhood and early adult life were spent in the amoral penitentiary environment.

Though he was imprisoned, his natural abilities allowed him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls. He read as many books as he could get his hands on, built up his body in the prison's gym, and learned to fight in the merciless school of prison life. Because of the cultural and supposed geographical location of Santa Prisca, Bane knew how to speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin. Despite his circumstances, he found teachers of various sorts during his incarceration, ranging from hardened convicts to an elderly Jesuit priest, under whose tutelage he apparently received a classical education. Bane murdered this priest upon his return to Santa Prisca years later. He committed his first murder at the age of eight, stabbing a criminal who wanted to use him to gain information about the prison.

Bird, Zombie & Trogg (Bane's Henchmen) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.