CBUB / Database / Comics / G / Gentle


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: shellsbut

Read more about Gentle at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel comics

Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi ) is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Comics Universe, and a member of the student body of the Xavier Institute.

Prior to M-Day, he was part of Storm's unseen squad. He kept his powers in the wake of M-Day, and thus still resides at the Xavier Institute.

It is later noted that Nezhno is from Wakanda, and he was the only student allowed to attend the wedding of Storm and the Black Panther.

Nezhno is among the students who are listening to Blindfold's story about Magik, Belasco and Limbo. He, with the other students are transported to Limbo. It is revealed that Nezhno's code-name is Gentle and he has the ability to temporarily increase the mass of his muscles.

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