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Old Lace

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Added by: razorback

Read more about Old Lace at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Entertainment

Old Lace (often nicknamed as OL ) is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics award-winning series Runaways. She was created by Brian K. Vaughan & artist Adrian Alphona and debuted attacking the other characters in Runaways vol. 1 #2. Old Lace was given her name by Gertrude Yorkes after she had taken the code name Arsenic, making the pair Arsenic and Old Lace, which is a reference to a movie of the same name. meaning whenever Gert thought or felt something, so would the dinosaur. After the death of Gert, the psychic link was transferred to Chase Stein.

Old Lace was genetically engineered in the 87th century, the project being commissioned by Dale and Stacey Yorkes, the parents of Gertrude. Old Lace was originally intended to be part of Gert's inheritance for when her parents died but Gertrude and the rest of the Runaways stumble upon her while searching the Yorkes' basement for the body of a girl that they had witnessed their parents sacrificing.

Old Lace has a telepathic bond with Gert. This lets her feel each others' thoughts and pain, and allows Old Lace to act on Gert's emotion. Seconds before Gert's death, she was able to pass her telepathic link with Old Lace to her boyfriend Chase Stein, since her death would have killed Lace as well via their telepathic link. Even though Old Lace has a telepathic bond with Chase now, and again when Chase ties Nico up and Old Lace growls and tries to stop Chase.

Chase, after his girlfriend's death, has been using Old Lace in a much more angry and aggressive manner, even going so far as to command Old Lace to rip an enemy's throat out; though eventually was called off by Chase after being scolded by Nico. The Deinonychus later went on to follow Chase but when ordered to hurt Karolina as well as Nico, Old Lace showed her own will by greeting them warmly.

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