CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / G / Gwen Cooper

Gwen Cooper

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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Gwen Cooper at: Wikipedia

Official Site: BBC

Gwen Cooper is a fictional character in the BBC television program Torchwood, portrayed by Welsh actress Eve Myles. The series' lead female character, Gwen has featured in every episode of the sci-fi series to date, in addition to two crossover episodes of Torchwood's parent show, Doctor Who. Additionally, Gwen appears in Expanded Universe material such as the Torchwood novels and audiobooks, comic books and radio plays. Portraying Gwen has increased Myles' profile as an actress, and her portrayal has also been cited as important in promoting Welsh visibility on television.

Gwen is introduced as an audience surrogate, much like the typical "companion" character in Doctor Who. Within the series narrative, Gwen is a South Wales Police officer who discovers the mysterious Torchwood Institute, into which she is recruited by Captain Jack Harkness. Gwen operates as a field agent on Torchwood missions. Through her police procedural training, Gwen brings a more humane and rounded approach to her team's investigations of extraterrestrial cases; she is herself empathetic, grounded, and relatable. Yet over the course of the first series, Gwen increasingly comes to subvert numerous expectations of the audience surrogate by finding herself ethically compromised by her line of work. For example, because Gwen leads a double life, she finds herself growing detached from her long-term boyfriend and is unfaithful to him.

Though Gwen starts off in the mould of the "girl next door" archetype, she becomes more militant as the series progresses, and stands in as Torchwood's de facto leader on occasions when Captain Jack is absent. Though this militancy, contrasted with Gwen's conventionally feminine characteristics, forms a contradiction, it is one from which she draws strength. As Gwen develops into a harder character, it is her relationship with cohabiting boyfriend-come-husband Rhys Williams which keeps her "grounded". When in the second series Gwen commits herself to Rhys, and tells him about her double life, he swiftly becomes a confidante to her, and lightens her burden.

Gwen is introduced in the first episode of Torchwood, where she – a Cardiff police officer partnered alongside Andy Davidson (Tom Price) – is witness to Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) and his team's interrogation of a dead man. Acting as an audience surrogate, she notices Jack is following her and she is led to investigate him and his team, eventually discovering by following him to his base that they are Torchwood, a team of alien hunters. Jack wipes the memories of her discovery, but they are later triggered by reports of murders committed with exotic weaponry; Torchwood's own Suzie Costello (Indira Varma) is the serial killer. Present at Suzie's attempt to kill Jack, and her ensuing suicide, Jack (who reveals that he cannot die) rewards Gwen by offering her a job in Torchwood. Jack and Gwen's relationship becomes tinged with romantic implications, despite her long-standing relationship with boyfriend Rhys (Kai Owen) and Jack's developing relationship with teammate Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd). Gwen falls into a short-lived destructive affair with teammate Owen (Burn Gorman), after a particularly traumatic experience with cannibals she cannot share with Rhys. Confused and wracked with guilt, Gwen confesses the affair after it ends in "Combat" but drugs Rhys with an amnesia pill so he will not remember her confession. In the series one finale, her desire to resurrect a murdered Rhys at any cost motivates her to mutiny against Jack, and open the rift in time and space which Torchwood monitors. After Jack sacrifices himself to the released supernatural demon, Gwen maintains that he will come back to life and stays watch over his body. Eventually, she concedes that Jack is dead, and gives him a parting kiss. As she leaves, Jack arises from death and whispers "thank you." Not long after Jack's revival he abandons Torchwood to reunite with the mysterious "Doctor" from his past.

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