CBUB / Database / Comics / D / Desak


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Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: shellsbut

Read more about Desak at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Desak Sterixian, more commonly known as Desak the God Slayer, is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Dan Jurgens and Tom Grummett and first appears in Thor Annual 2001.

Desak comes from an unnamed world where the inhabitants worship a god called Kronnitt. Kronnitt demands the sacrifice of Desak's daughter, and it was during the sacrifice that an apparition visits Desak and offers him a magic gem that will save his daughter. Desak thinks he is hallucinating, and refuses. When Kronnitt punishes Desak's people - despite the sacrifice - the apparition returns and this time Desak accepts the gem. Empowered by the gem, and equipped with a huge sword, axe, dagger and shield, Desak then confronts and kills Kronnitt. His course of action clear, Desak travels from world to world and slays pantheon after pantheon of gods.

It is during a hunt for two gods called Pennsu and Tae, Desak encounters Thor, Beta Ray Bill, and Hercules. When Pennsu and Tae attempt to destroy their own people the heroes intervene, giving Desak time to slay them both. After a terse verbal encounter with Thor, Desak departs.

Desak eventually slaughters almost all of the Dark Gods - the Asgardians' old enemies - with the exception of Perrikus and Adva, who escape. Desak is then contacted by Zarrko the Tomorrow Man, who warns him of the threat that Thor, now Lord of Asgard after the death of Odin, poses to Earth. After easily dispatching the villain Grey Gargoyle, Desak fights and almost kills Thor. Having absorbed the Odinforce after a futile attack by Thor, Desak is about to decapitate Thor when a fellow Asgardian, Thialfi, provides Thor with the Bloodaxe, which Thor uses to kill Desak.

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