CBUB / Database / Games / H / Hayato Kanzaki

Hayato Kanzaki

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Hayato Kanzaki at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Capcom

is a weapon-based 3D fighting game released by Capcom for the PlayStation-based ZN-1 arcade hardware. It was Capcom s first polygonal fighting game, preceding the original Street Fighter EX (which Capcom co-produced Arika) by a few months. A PlayStation port was released on November 1996. It was followed by a single sequel, Plasma Sword, in .

The control of Star Gladiator is unique from some of Capcom's past fighting games. Instead of the usual six-button configuration system seen in past series such as Street Fighter II and Darkstalkers, Star Gladiator utilizes a four-button configuration system, which consists of two attack buttons for a character's weapon, a kick attack, and a guard defense. The fighters are able to battle upon a limited 3D plane field and a ring-out victory is possible for a fighter if they're able to knock their opponent out of the field.

Characters can initiate unique tactics seen from within this game. Plasma Reverses are two special guard moves that can be unleashed at any time from within a battle. A Plasma Reflect enables a fighter to deflect an opponent's incoming move and stun them in an instant, leaving them vulnerable for a few seconds while a Plasma Revenge enables a fighter to counterattack an opponent's incoming move and strike back with their own fast attack. Characters can also use a Plasma Strike, which can cause huge damage to an opponent if it connects on sight, but a Plasma Strike can only be done once per round.

Star Gladiator also introduces the Plasma Combo System. Through a specific string of attacks, a fighter can combo their opponent in a relentless manner, even if the opponent themselves are blocking. If a character is able to string together five hits and press a specific button from within the end of the combo, they'll be able to initiate a Plasma Final, which'll enable them to unleash a powerful technique that'll cause a strong amount of damage to be inflicted upon their opponent. This system would later be discarded in the game's sequel, Plasma Sword.

Hayato Kanzaki

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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