CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / G / G'Kar


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Added by: EvanAlmighty

Read more about G'Kar at: Wikipedia

Official Site: TNT

G'Kar is a fictional character, played by Andreas Katsulas, in the universe of the science fiction television series Babylon 5. He initially appears as a villain diplomat opposite Londo Mollari, being constantly engaged in insidious, if petty and often comical schemes, usually driven by his hostility to his people's historical enemies, the Centauri, whom Londo represents. However, in the course of the series, he is transformed into a Messianic figure and the foremost spiritual leader of his people.

G'Kar was Narn ambassador to Babylon 5, and member of the third circle of the Kha'Ri, the heart and the ruling body of Narn Regime. During his time as ambassador, he was notorious for his hatred of Londo Mollari, and of the Centauri Republic Mollari represented. His hatred led G'Kar in 2258 to be a party to various underhanded schemes intended to further the goals of his government whether they be sheltering the notorious Dilgar war criminal, Deathwalker, to attempting to incite riots on the station.

G'Kar was a pouchling during the first Centauri occupation of his homeworld. His family served as servants in a Centauri household. This was during the time when the Narn resistance movement was gaining in strength and their increased aggression was slowly driving the Centauri out of Narn.

After G'Kar's mother became very ill, only he and his father remained fit enough to serve in their Centauri master's household. One day his father accidentally spilled a bowl of hot jala upon the mistress of the house. As punishment, his father was beaten to a pulp and was hung up on their family prayer tree. He lasted for three days before he finally died. G'Kar was with him, and his father told him just before he died that he was proud of him, and to do all the things that he could not - Fight the Centauri.

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