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Liege Maximo

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Added by: CrinosVegeta

Read more about Liege Maximo at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

The Liege Maximo is a character in the fiction Transformers universe. He was the overall ruler of the Generation Two Decepticon in the Marvel Transformers comic series.

Not much is known about the Liege Maximo's history. At this point the Transformers reproduced in a similar manner to cell division, and it seems that those produced by the Liege were the beginnings of those who would become the Decepticons - including their most famous leader Megatron. It is implied he was created evil in Alignment and he is known to have killed at least one of the Prime line, namely Primon, not only killing him but stripping all knowledge of him from the Matrix (as it listed the first prime as Prima) in a short story produced by Furman for BotCon. From this revelation, it can be implied that he took part in at least the early part of the civil war between Decepticons and Autobot. In fact he himself indicates that he was a natural counter to the Prime line in the conclusion of the Generation 2 comic.

At some point, to prevent the vision of their creator from becoming too corrupted, a race-wide memory loss activated, preventing the Transformers from remembering their reproduction process and at least some of their history (Megatron, for example, seems to have no knowledge of the Liege Maximo). After the crash and entombment of the Ark with Megatron and Optimus Prime onboard, at some unspecified point in their history the Transformers (or at least the Decepticons) began spawning again, and a massive fleet of the strongest and most ruthless Decepticons left Cybertron, apparently under the command of the Liege Maximo. These Decepticons spread out, colonising worlds by coldly obliterating all life on them, and the makings of a vast empire began to take shape (at least seventeen worlds fell this way, discovered by Grimlock). And then came the events of the Generation 2 comic.

The Liege Maximo's only official appearance, to date, is on the last page of the final issue of the Transformers: Generation 2 comic, although he was mentioned by Jhiaxus as early as Issue #4. The Decepticons (now calling themselves Cybertronians, believing the concepts of Autobot and Decepticon to be outdated) had come under attack by the Autobots, who believed they were striking at the "real" Decepticons under Bludgeon. Their forces, under Jhiaxus, soon retaliated and a brief truce was called after an encounter with a parasitic organism in a nebula. The Cybertronians would then come under attack by the original Decepticons, now led once again by Megatron, after the Cybertronians slaughtered their advance party. The main force fared little better and was decimated by the Cybertronians, with Jhiaxus personally besting Megatron and hurling him into Earth's atmosphere.

Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo Liege Maximo

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