Read more about Simon at: Wikipedia Official Site: Bandai is the central protagonist of the anime and manga series, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann. He begins the story as a short, unassuming and lonely young boy, but grows up to be a tall, commanding and well-loved young man. To many more, he is a legendary hero who overcomes impossible odds and great personal adversity for the good of mankind. Simon is the first character seen in the prologue of the anime series, and is the only character to appear in every episode of Gurren-Lagann. Simon's name comes from the Japanese word for , tying in with a theme for most of the main characters to have names based around location, direction, or distance. This implies a bit of irony, as Simon controls the Gurren-Lagann from on top of the Gurren inside the Lagann, while Kamina, who is named after the Japanese word for pilots it from underneath the Lagann inside the Gurren. Another word Simon's name comes from is . The kanji for shita, kami and shi have a metaphorical meaning that together mean Kamina is the god that watches over the city (Simon) that is below him. As a boy, Simon is physically underdeveloped for his age (early teens), standing ay at around 5-feet tall. He wears a long sleeved blue and red jacket and brown shorts, topped with a pair of yellow and red goggles and brown work shoes. He has indigo hair and wide eyes with small pupils, and his iris color was eventually revealed to be an almost the same color as his hair . Simon also ties on shin guards and sports a cloth waistband, and the Core Drill hangs from a fastened leather string around his neck . Originally, Simon wore a dusty brown cloak, which eased his passage through the narrow tunnels of the underground, but this cloak was blown off by the wind during the initial escape from Giha Village. Though valued as one of the most skilled diggers in Giha Village, Simon is ignored by the adults and snubbed by the girls, who consider him disgusting because of his peculiar habits and odd smell . Lacking parental figures to help him mature, along with his fear of earthquakes, Simon is plagued by low self-esteem and has many cowardly tendencies. Even after his friendship with Kamina, he continues to act cowardly and doubts his own abilities. However, Kamina's inspirational speeches gives Simon just enough confidence to endure his fears and to accomplish something. Young Simon is also susceptible to bouts of intense determination, such as when he charged at the Gunzar (later, the Gurren) and the Enki . No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |