CBUB / Database / Comics / P / Pluto (Marvel)

Pluto (Marvel)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Pluto (Marvel) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Comics

Pluto is a fiction deity in the Marvel Comics Universe based on the Roman god of the same name. Pluto first appeared in the pages of Thor #127 in 1966, written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby.

Pluto is the Olympian god of the Underworld, death, and the dead, and is the Monarch of Hades. Much of his past is like how he was related in the Greek Myth. He was similar to the other Marvel Greek Gods like Zeus. After defeating their father Cronus, Pluto and his brothers Zeus and Neptune as well as his sisters Hera, Hestia and Demeter drew lots to divide Cronus' empire among them. Pluto gained control of the Underworld as the judge of the dead. But in the Marvel Universe, Pluto is a scheming god that plans to overthrow Zeus, which no Greek Myth supports.

His most infamous act is when he takes Zeus' and Demeter's daughter, his niece Persephone (also known as Kore) as his wife against her will. This event goes on to cause him some dismal failures in the future; for instance the Avengers once defeat him when Persephone issues an edict against him. He also became a major enemy of Hercules, when the young Hercules captures Pluto's dog Cerberus as one of his Twelve Labours.

When worship of the Greek Gods dies out, Zeus forbids Pluto to take anymore souls into his underworld. He became bitter and begins a long history of plotting against his more powerful brother. After numerous failures, Zeus decrees that Pluto can only leave the Underworld if he finds someone willing to rule in his place. Pluto travels to Earth and disguises himself as Mr. Hellman, a movie producer, and invites Hercules to make a movie about himself. Hercules signs the contract into ruling the underworld unaware of that the contract actually binds him to serve as ruler of the Olympian Underworld in Pluto's place, as he believes the movie is about him conquering the Netherworld by defeating Pluto. Thor learns of Pluto's deception and challenges him on Hercules' behalf. Pluto sends Thor into the Olympian Underworld where his goal is to defeat Pluto's minions. After witnessing Thor's remarkable progress which destroys much of the Underworld which Pluto has spent centuries building, Pluto becomes disgusted and destroys the contract, releasing Hercules. Pluto next invaded Earth with mutates from an alternate future. He clashed with Thor, and was thwarted by Zeus.

Pluto (Marvel) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.