CBUB / Database / Games / A / Ayame


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Tsemasi

Read more about Ayame at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Activision

Tenchu (天誅) is the title of the popular stealth game series originally developed by Acquire wherein the player assumes the role of a ninja. The title in Japanese literally translates in English as: Divine Retribution, with 天 (ten), meaning heaven and 誅 (chu), meaning death penalty (it is notable that another translation of this phrase, Wrath of Heaven is the title of the first PlayStation 2 entry in the series.

Tenchu is known for its stealth gameplay and the eerie settings of feudal Japan. It was one of the first ninja games to incorporate stealth, a very crucial aspect of Ninjutsu. However, aside from featuring traditional martial art in battles, the game incorporates elements of fantasy and Japanese mythology.

The game also used motion-capture where actor/martial artist Sho Kosugi and his son, Kane, were hired as motion-capture actors for the game's combat moves.

So far, the series had:

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