CBUB / Database / Comics / K / King Chimera

King Chimera

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Added by: PunchSlamfist

Read more about King Chimera at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC comics

King Chimera is a fictional superhero in the DC Comics Universe, a member of the superhero team the Justice Society of America. King Chimera first appeared in Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #24 (April 2009), and was created by Matthew Sturges and Fernando Pasarin.

King Chimera's first, very brief, appearance was in Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #24 in early 2009, created by Matthew Sturges and Fernando Pasarin. He did not appear again until issue #29, when he became an important character to the series. He only appeared in four more issues before switching to the JSA All-Stars series. During this switch, King made a very brief appearance in the Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant #1.

He then appeared in JSA All-Stars #1, becoming a regular character in the series. Early in the JSA All-Stars run, Justice Society of America Annual #2 was released and King made an appearance in it. Towards the end of 2010, King appeared in the nineteenth issue of the second volume of Power Girl. Currently, King appears in the JSA All-Stars series, appearing in every issue to date.

In another interview with Newsarama, Sturges said, "King Chimera is a new character that kind of exemplifies the attitude, although he's an extreme case." Sturges also said that King wants to be "the most effective hero he can be and will do anything to achieve that goal." He also mentioned how King doesn't care what people think of him and he is not with the team to make friends and wants "to be trained as well as possible, and to take that training and use it effectively against the bad guys."

King Chimera

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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