CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / S / Sun-Hwa Kwon

Sun-Hwa Kwon

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: EvanAlmighty

Read more about Sun-Hwa Kwon at: Wikipedia

Official Site: ABC

Sun-Hwa Kwon (née Paik) better known simply as "Sun", is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Yunjin Kim.

Sun was born (on March 20, 1980 ) into the powerful Paik family; natives of Seoul. As a child, Sun was taught how to play the piano. On at least one occasion, she blamed the results of some mischief on a maid in order to avoid punishment. Later, Sun attended Seoul National University, majoring in Art History. When she returned without a husband, her mother arranged for her to meet a potential suitor, Jae Lee. The two hit it off until Jae Lee revealed that he planned on marrying an American woman. An upset Sun left him, only to quite literally bump into Jin-Soo Kwon (Daniel Dae Kim), her future husband. While Sun had doubts regarding her father's approval, she was surprised when Jin presented her with an engagement ring. They were wed in Korea, and at the reception, they were complemented by a Korean-speaking Jacob. Shortly after the wedding, however, Sun was approached by a woman claiming to be Jin's mother; she blackmailed Sun into paying her a large sum of money, with the threat of bringing shame upon the Paik family by revealing Jin to be the son of a fisherman and a prostitute. Sun asked her father for the money, but when she didn't provide a reason, Mr. Paik assumed it was for Jin, and assigned him a new job until the debt was paid. Over time, Jin grew distant from Sun, and she planned on escaping her failing marriage. She began taking English lessons from Jae Lee, whose own plans hadn't worked out.

After many lessons; the relationship between Sun and Jae Lee developed into an affair. The two were eventually found in bed together by Mr. Paik and the affair ended. Sun and Jin had been trying to conceive a child, but after visiting a fertility doctor, they were informed that Sun was unable to conceive, causing more strain on the marriage. Later, however, the doctor confided in Sun that it was Jin who was infertile, and that he was afraid to tell him because of his job as an enforcer. Later, Sun learned of Jae Lee's death and attended his funeral. She asked her father if he would tell Jin about her affair, to which he declined, saying that it was not his place. During preparations for a business trip, with Jin, to Sydney and Los Angeles; Sun spoke privately with a woman acting as an interior decorator. Sun had planned to leave Jin and her family and the woman had helped Sun set up a false identity (and a place for her to hide until the search for her ended). She was given instructions to leave Jin at the Sydney airport at 11:15 precisely; a car would be waiting outside the Oceanic Airlines gate and she was to maintain a low profile.

At the airport, Sun was prepared to follow her instructions, and heads towards the car outside. A single moment of tenderness from Jin, however, caused her to change her mind, and she decided to accompany him to Los Angeles. At the airport restaurant, she purchased food for the two of them. Sun accidentally spilled coffee on Jin and after he left to clean himself off; she listened to the snide remarks of a couple seated a few tables away. She and Jin then boarded the doomed flight.

Sun-Hwa Kwon has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.