CBUB / Database / Comics / C / Chameleon Boy

Chameleon Boy

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Chameleon Boy at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle), also known as Chameleon, is a DC Comics superhero, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th and 31st centuries. He first appeared in Action Comics #267 (August 1960).

Reep Daggle is from the planet Durla, where everyone has the power to change their physical form. He has orange skin, pointed ears and antennae, and has no hair in his usual humanoid form, although both his name and usual shape were both forced on him by Earthgov's immigrations officers. In pre-Zero Hour continuity, he was the son of Legion financer R. J. Brande who was revealed to be a Durlan who had become frozen in human form after contracting a disease. and a female Durlan named Zhay Reep did not learn that Brande was his father for many years (Brande's name was originally revealed to be Ren Daggle, but later altered after the Crisis storyline). Reep and his twin sibling Liggt were raised by their maternal aunt Ji, until he and his brother were forced to battle to the death for the Durlan Right of Survival, which Reep won. Chameleon Boy was also an exceptional detective; his deductive prowess coupled with his shapeshifting abilities led to his being named the permanent head of the Legion's Espionage Squad.

Chameleon Boy was sentenced to incarceration on the prison world Takron-Galtos for his espionage activities against the Khund, which almost led to war. He was released after his heroics against rogue Daxamite Ol-Vir in the Great Darkness Saga. During his incarceration, he was forced to wear binders on his antennae that canceled his shape-shifting powers, although he regained them a few months later, when father and son reconcilled in a pilgrimage to Durla to visit a sacred Temple which regenerated lost shape-shifting abilities. Following the dissolution of the Legion after volume 3, bored by running Brande Industries, (for his wandering father,) "Cham" became the primary force behind the reassembly of the Legion in volume 4.

During the "Five Year Gap" following the Magic Wars, Earth fell under the covert control of the Dominators, and withdrew from the United Planets. A few years later, the members of the Dominators' highly classified "Batch SW6" escaped captivity. Originally, Batch SW6 appeared to be a group of teenage Legionnaire clones, created from samples apparently taken just prior to Ferro Lad's death at the hands of the Sun-Eater. Later, they were revealed to be time-paradox duplicates, every bit as legitimate as their older counterparts. However, this version of Chameleon Boy was killed in battle (along with SW6's Princess Projectra and Karate Kid) fighting Dominion troops.

Chameleon Boy

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

Chameleon Boy has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.