CBUB / Database / Comics / W / The Wreckers

The Wreckers

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Added by: Adam Safran

Read more about The Wreckers at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro

The Wreckers are a sub-team of Autobot in the fictional Transformers Universe, functioning essentially as a commando unit. They were created by Marvel UK writer, Simon Furman in the story arc Target:2006 and appeared in many of Furman's subsequent stories, with an ever shifting roster, in many Marvel stories, Dreamwave's War Within: The Dark Ages, and IDW's Stormbringer.

In the Marvel UK Transformers Universe, the team are first seen in the Target: 2006 arc (originally printed in UK #78-88), with members appearing in the early issues before the team itself was revealed in #82. They were to destroy ten of the Decepticon' most potent killers in Operation: Volcano, planned to be the first major offensive in the Autobot retaking of Cybertron. Their line-up at this point consists of Impactor (a new character created exclusively for the comic by Furman), Twin Twist, Top Spin, Whirl, Roadbuster and another comic-only character, conjoined twin Rack'n'Ruin. These characters were chosen by Furman due to being overlooked by the American comic and cartoon (Whirl and Roadbuster were most likely omitted due to copyright problems), and therefore he could do what he wanted with them. A "flashback" Wreckers appearance came in the text story "Cybertron: The Middle Years", originally printed in UK #83, which credited the team with the assassination of the Decepticon leader Trannis. Problems with Magnus' departure caused the entire team to walk out of Volcano, but they soon returned: Impactor was convinced by Xaaron that he would lose the glory if Magnus returned and he wasn't ready, while the other Wreckers rejoined after seeing Decepticon bullying first-hand in a bar.

In UK #84, the team was joined by Springer, Broadside and Sandstorm, to lend reinforcements for Operation: Volcano in the event that Ultra Magnus did not return in time from Earth. Operation: Volcano was aborted when the Decepticon killers were recalled by Megatron, but a lone Decepticon named Macabre pressed on, attempting to assassinate Xaaron, leader of the Autobot resistance on Cybertron. Xaaron was saved when Impactor dived in front of Macabre, sacrificing himself. With his dying words, he appointed Springer leader of the Wreckers.

The team next appeared in UK #98-100, when Decepticon misinformation led to them pursuing and attempting to execute Optimus Prime. They were eventually shown their error, and co-operated with Prime in a series of raids on the Decepticons.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Vehicons 11 to 6