CBUB / Database / Comics / D / Donald Pierce

Donald Pierce

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: krealorn

Read more about Donald Pierce at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Donald Pierce is a comic book supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. The character first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #132. He was created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Donald Pierce is a cyborg.

Donald Pierce was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pierce first appeared as a high ranking member of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, where he held the position of White Bishop, during that organization's first direct encounter with the X-Men. During this conflict, Pierce battled Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Colossus, alongside Mastermind and the Inner Circle. When Wolverine nearly severed his arm it was discovered that he was a cyborg, and he was then defeated by Colossus. The Hellfire Club inner circle was eventually defeated and Donald Pierce fled with Sebastian Shaw down a hidden corridor of their headquarters. As it turned out, Pierce was a raving, anti-mutant bigot. That hatred motivated him to act independently to kill mutants, working with three cybernetically-enhanced mercenaries (Cole, Macon, and Reese) who had been critically wounded by Wolverine during that first Hellfire club skirmish. Pierce was the CEO and principal shareholder of Pierce-Consolidated Mining, and was operating out of a mining and laboratory complex in Cameron, Kentucky. Pierce and the cyborg mercenaries kidnapped Professor X and Tessa in a revenge plot against the Hellfire Club and X-Men, but were defeated by the New Mutants. Pierce was returned by Tessa to the Hellfire Club, and expelled from the Inner Circle.

Later, he resurfaced as a professional criminal and terrorist with Lady Deathstrike and Cole, Macon, and Reese. All five characters were consumed by their desire for revenge against the X-Men and Wolverine in particular. To that end Pierce created an army of cyborgs out of low-life thugs and a few mercenaries. He named his army "The Reavers".

After rescuing the kidnapped banker Tyger Tiger from the Reavers, the X-Men expelled the cyborgs from their Australian outback headquarters, and appropriated the base for themselves (although Pierce was not present during this encounter, and had not yet been revealed as the Reavers' creator). The surviving Reavers set out to defeat the X-Men, mounting a return to their old headquarters, this time with Pierce and Deathstrike, along with Cole, Macon, and Reese present, but after the X-Men had escaped through the Siege Perilous, they managed to capture only Wolverine, whom they tortured and crucified. Wolverine subsequently escaped with Jubilee, and Pierce attempted to track them. Assuming they fled to Muir Island, Pierce and the Reavers attacked Muir Island, and battled Moira MacTaggart's "Muir Island X-Men" and Freedom Force. With the Reavers, he also attacked a Frost Technologies plant in California. At one point Pierce created two super intelligent sentient androids (Elsie-Dee and Albert), which he sent to kill Wolverine, but they developed ethics and turned on Pierce and abandoned the Reavers.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Bryan Fury 7 to 14

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