CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / B / Bean (Ender's Game)

Bean (Ender's Game)

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Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Bean (Ender's Game) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Orson Scott Card

Julian "Bean" Delphiki is a major character in Orson Scott Card's science fiction novels revolving around Ender Wiggin. He is an important supporting character in Ender's Game and the main character of the eponymous Bean Quartet (or Shadow Saga as it is officially known), consisting of Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, and Shadow of the Giant.

At the age of four, Bean is living on the streets of Rotterdam. He is ostracized by the other children on the streets for his small size. Desperate for food, Bean talks to Poke, a crew leader; the leader of a small gang of children, and convinces her to give him food in exchange for an idea. Poke gives Bean his name when she admits he isn't worth a bean. However, Poke becomes intrigued with Bean's idea, to get one of the bullies who prowl the streets to work for her crew. When Poke agrees and attempts to attack Achilles (pronounced 'ah-SHEEL'), a bully with a crippled foot, Bean is struck with foreboding. Soon after, though Achilles makes a good 'papa' to the crew, getting them into the soup kitchen and protecting them, his insane need to kill anyone who has seen him in a vulnerable position causes him to murder Poke. This marks the end of Bean's street career.

First in the care of Sister Carlotta, an unconventional nun, and then at Battle School, Bean makes it clear that his abilities far exceed the possible—for a human. While Bean is studying at Battle School, Sister Carlotta does some research, and soon discovers that Bean is actually the son of Julian and Elena Delphiki, parents of Nikolai a fellow Battle School student. Kidnapped along with twenty-three others, he was genetically altered by his half Uncle, Constantine Volescu. Due to Bean's small size he was able to hide in a toilet tank and thus began living on the streets of Rotterdam.

The alteration made was to turn a genetic key—called Anton's Key for the scientist who discovered it—which greatly enhanced Bean's mental powers, but cost him the greater part of his life. Small as he is at age six, he will eventually die a giant before he turns twenty.

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