Read more about Tiffany Aching at: Wikipedia Official Site: Terry Pratchett Tiffany Aching is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's satirical Discworld series of fantasy novels. Tiffany is a trainee witch whose growth into her job forms one of the many arcs in the Discworld series. She is the main character in The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, and I Shall Wear Midnight. . Tiffany grows up over the course of the series, from nine years old in The Wee Free Men to nearly sixteen in I Shall Wear Midnight. A young witch (not yet 16 in I Shall Wear Midnight), Tiffany hails from the Chalk, a region of Downland Rimward of the Ramtops. Her grandmother, Sarah Aching, was a shepherd, and by Ramtop standards was also a witch, although witchcraft was frowned upon on the Chalk until Tiffany openly practiced it. Granny Aching was a friend of the Chalk Clan of Nac Mac Feegle, (an army of tiny, blue, rowdy, drunken and vaguely Scottish 'pictsies') and they have befriended Tiffany as the new "hag o' the hills". As Tiffany was their Kelda (Queen) for a short time, the Nac Mac Feegle see her as their responsibility, and there is no time in Tiffany's life since then when they have not (in)discreetly watched her. Tiffany begins her witching career at nine, upon being scouted by the "witch finder" Miss Tick. She leads the Feegles on a journey into Fairyland to rescue Wentworth, her sticky toddler brother, and Roland, the young son of the local Baron, from the Queen of the Elves. For this she earns the respect of Granny Weatherwax, a not insignificant achievement in itself. Although at the time she is too young to be a witch, Granny gives her an imaginary invisible hat to boost her confidence. Such is the power of belief on the Disc that it is actually capable of keeping off the rain. Two years later she travels to Lancre to be formally apprenticed to the witch Miss Level. During her time with Miss Level, her body becomes vulnerable to infestation by a "hiver" (a gestalt entity of minds from the dawn of time) that uses her power to harm and cause chaos. She eventually manages to overcome the hiver by giving it what it truly wants: the ability to die. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |