CBUB / Database / Comics / S / Scream


CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Added by: Movie-Brat

Read more about Scream at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Scream (Donna Diego) is a fictional anti-hero (previously supervillainess) from the Spider-Man comic book series. She is one of six symbiote spawns of Venom.

Scream was one of the five Life Foundation Symbiotes that were forcefully spawned from the Venom symbiote. She was their unofficial leader. Like the other four hosts, she was a volunteer for the Life Foundation; a survivalist group within the American government (an organization that was preparing for the M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) fallout of the Cold War and provide a comfortable life for their wealthy clients after the impending nuclear holocaust). The Life Foundation was experimenting with the Venom symbiote in the hopes of creating so-called 'super-cops' to watch over their imagined fallout shelter utopia. Donna was picked from the organization's security force, made up of police, soldier, and mercenaries.

In Scream's first appearance, she ran into Spider-Man while terrorizing a shopping mall near Salinas, California. Quickly bested by the more experienced fighter, Scream escaped in a hovercraft which returned to the Life Foundation's base.

Unknown to her, Spider-Man had hitched a ride on that same hovercraft. Once inside he helped Eddie Brock (who was being held prisoner there) escape and bond with his symbiote. Scream and the other guardian symbiotes then tangled with Spider-Man and Venom, but Venom turned an accelerated aging device on them. The age-accelerating machine appeared to make Scream and the other symbiotes age to dust. Venom and Spider-Man escaped and the Life Foundation blew up the base.


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CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win CĂșchulainn 10 to 6
Win Boomerang 16 to 0

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