CBUB / Database / Comics / B / Bomb Queen

Bomb Queen

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Darwin Tremor

Read more about Bomb Queen at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Image Comics

Bomb Queen is an American fictional comic book character, created by Jimmie Robinson. She first appeared in Image Comics' Bomb Queen Vol. 1, #1, and has subsequently appeared in five limited series, two single-issue specials, a crossover in Savage Dragon #134, and a sixth volume to be published in November 2010.

The Queen is a villainess who has eliminated and subsequently banned all superhero from the fictional city of New Port City. She rules the city as a benevolent dictator; the limitations she has placed over the city's criminals have made her a popular leader.

Bomb Queen was originally part of a quartet of supervillains called The Four Queens, who reigned over New Port City. When all the super-heroes in town were finally defeated or slain, the Queens turned on each other. Bomb Queen emerged as the victor, and took control over the local government.

Bomb Queen founded New Port City's "No Heroes" law, (outlawing superheroes) which made the town a magnet for criminals across America. This pleased politicians in Washington, DC, due to the lowered crime rates in other states. However, the government was not happy with the self-elected leadership of Bomb Queen. Various smear campaigns having failed to dent her immense public popularity, the government turned to other options.

Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen Bomb Queen

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

Bomb Queen has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.