CBUB / Database / Comics / L / Lashina


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Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Darwin Tremor

Read more about Lashina at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Lashina is a fictional character, and extraterrestrial warrior woman published by DC Comics. Created by Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Mister Miracle vol. 1 #6 (January 1972).

Lashina is raised a warrior in Granny Goodness' orphanage, and takes over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda leaves Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies went to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle, they soon return to Apokolips to take their punishment for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina was then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to Bernadeth's annoyance.

During a mission to capture Glorious Godfrey, a New God that had been imprisoned on Earth, Lashina is betrayed by Bernadeth and shoved out of the boom tube, their teleportational technology. She was shot and later suffered from amnesia. She became Duchess and joins the Suicide Squad, a United States based government agency that uses super-powered beings to fulfill any required missions. There she operates under Amanda Waller, participating in many heroic missions. For example, she assists in saving the world from the murderous plans of Kobra. Her memory comes back to her and she plans a return to Apokolips. She convinces many members of the Squad to come with her, and others she outright kidnaps. The grouping includes Doctor Light, Amanda Waller, Count Vertigo and others. The plan ends in a battle against Apokolips forces once the group lands on the planet's surface. Multiple Squad members are killed, including Doctor Light.

Lashina confronts and kills Bernadeth. Darkseid, angry that Lashina has brought humans to Apokolips, brings Bernadeth back to life and kills Lashina. The survivors of the Suicide Squad are allowed to return home.

Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina Lashina

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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