CBUB / Database / Comics / M / Mad Harriet

Mad Harriet

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Alpha Tiberius

Read more about Mad Harriet at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Mad Harriet is a fictional extraterrestrial amazon published by DC Comics. She first appeared in Mister Miracle vol. 1 #6 (January 1972), and was created by Jack Kirby.

Mad Harriet is raised in Granny Goodness' orphanage and is noticed by Granny for adoring the feeling of torture and pain. One of the first members of the Female Furies, Mad Harriet serves Darkseid despite her insanity. During the battle with Earth-based Suicide Squad, over the fate of Glorious Godfrey, Harriet is almost killed when she attacks the Bronze Tiger and her energy claws backfire. However, she comments on how much she loved the situation.

During another mission, Harriet is captured by the Gods of New Genesis but was sent back to Darkseid. Later, Mad Harriet is seen as a prostitute in Granny Goodness' brothel, though it is unknown if that was the real Mad Harriet or a delusion by the second Mister Miracle. Her insanity also made her develop a friendship with the criminal Harley Quinn, though Bernadeth scolded her later on for befriending the mortal.

Mad Harriet reappeared with the rest of the Female Furies as they battle Firestorm, Orion, and Hawkgirl on separate occasions.

Mad Harriet Mad Harriet Mad Harriet Mad Harriet Mad Harriet Mad Harriet Mad Harriet

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