CBUB / Database / Games / V / Vanessa Z. Schneider

Vanessa Z. Schneider

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Vanessa Z. Schneider at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Capcom

P.N.03, short for Product Number Three, is a 2003 video game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo GameCube. P.N.03 is a third-person shooter featuring a dexterous, cybernetically-enhanced woman named Vanessa Z. Schneider who the player controls to destroy a series of robot. It is part of Shinji Mikami's Capcom Five, a selection of five 2003 Capcom games intended to be exclusive for the GameCube. Eventually though, P.N.03 ended up being the only Capcom Five game not to be ported to the PlayStation 2. In the United States, those who pre-ordered the game could either get a free T-shirt or a special pair of limited-edition sunglasses depending on where they pre-ordered.

P.N.03's gameplay is defined by the restrictions placed on players and enemies. Players cannot attack while moving, but have a variety of evasive maneuvers such as flips and spins. Similarly, enemies' attacks and movements are restricted to specific patterns. The game encourages use of cover while enemies are attacking, followed by carefully-timed attacks. As the player becomes more skilled and listens more carefully to the enemy audio cues, it is ultimately possible to predict and evade incoming enemy fire while in the open. Enemies destroyed may drop items replenishing the player's barrier or energy. A combo counter provides cumulative bonus points for destroying enemies consecutively. Additional bonuses are given upon clearing a room.

The game also features a variety of "energy drives", special moves which render the character indestructible during their execution and then either launch an attack or grant a temporary status for the character. These drain the player's energy bar.

There is also an assortment of Aegis suits which may be acquired or upgraded in exchange for points earned. As each suit has pre-set restrictions on which upgrades are possible for it, and use different energy drives, they are suitable for different situations.

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