CBUB / Database / Fantasy / P / Palin Majere

Palin Majere

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Palin Majere at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Wizard of the Coast

Palin Rintalaisin Majere (born in 362 AC) is a fictional character that appears in the Dragonlance series of books.

He was born in Solace, as the son of Caramon and Tika Waylan Majere. Like his uncle Raistlin Majere, Palin became a wizard, but took up the white robes of good, rather than follow his uncle's dark path. Initially his father did not want him to take the Test of High Sorcery, but later relented.

To prove his worthiness as a wizard, Dalamar took Palin to the Tower of High Sorcery of Palanthas, where he crafted an illusion in which Raistlin requests help from Palin to escape the Abyss.

Palin is able to do so, but is forced to risk his life in order to close the Portal to the Abyss before Takhisis could use it to return to Krynn. His actions to always act on behalf of Paladine allowed him to earn the white robes he would wear during his life as a wizard. Ironically, Palin's Test marked the return of Raistlin Majere to Krynn, who gave the young wizard the Staff of Magius.

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