CBUB / Database / Games / M / Mr. Resetti

Mr. Resetti

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Z451

Read more about Mr. Resetti at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Nintendo

, is a video game series developed by Nintendo, in which the player lives his/her own virtual life in a town populated with anthropomorphic animals. The game takes place in real time, reflecting the current time of day and season. The individual games have been widely praised for their uniqueness and innovative nature, which has led to the series becoming one of Nintendo's leading franchises. As of January 2010, over 15,000,000 units of games from the Animal Crossing series have been sold.

A life simulation game (Nintendo originally called it a "communication game"), Animal Crossing players move into a village at the beginning of the game, and live there indefinitely. They can socialize with the other town residents and perform various activities such as fishing, bug catching, collecting items and working for Tom Nook's shop to pay back their house loan, expand it, and furnish or decorate it. Time in the game is synchronized with that of the real world using the system's clock. Holidays and other in game events also keep the game interesting such as fishing contests and flea markets.

The player can collect small animals such as bugs and fish, and is rewarded with more powerful, golden-colored versions of the tools used to catch the animals once all of a certain type are found. Both fish and insects can be donated to the museum, kept in the house as a decoration, or sold to shopkeeper Tom Nook. The game keeps record of which insects and fish the player has caught. Also collectible are fossils and clay figures known as "gyroids", resembling Japanese artifacts known as haniwa.

A net can be purchased to catch insects, most of which can be found during the summer. They can be located based on their distinctive noises, or through careful inspection of trees and flowers. Catching fish requires a fishing pole, and certain fish live only in certain bodies of water, with some fish only able to be found in the rain or at certain times of the day and year.

Mr. Resetti has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.