CBUB / Database / Anime / L / Lunamaria Hawke

Lunamaria Hawke

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Lunamaria Hawke at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Bandai

is a fictional character from the Japanese science fiction anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. In the 27th Anime Grand Prix she was voted 5th place in the Favorite Female category however in the 28th one she dropped to 11th place . Lunamaria came in 4th in the 56th Gundam National Census voting (held between 7/28/2008 and 8/3/2008) for the question: "Summer swimming suits! In Gundam Seed or Gundam Seed Destiny, which female character would you like to see in a swimming suit?"

Lunamaria Hawke is a mobile suit pilot for the ZAFT military forces. She typically pilots a red ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior. Lunamaria appears to wear a customized version of the ZAFT red ace uniform, replacing the standard female-issue skirt with a miniskirt. She attended ZAFT military academy together with her sister Meyrin Hawke, fellow pilots Shinn Asuka and Rey Za Burrel, and mechanica Vino Dupre and Yolant Kent . All are stationed on board the battleship Minerva for most of the series.

During the Armory One Incident, Phantom Pain forces steal ZAFT's three newest mobile suits the ZGMF-X24S Chaos, ZGMF-X88S Gaia, and ZGMF-X31S Abyss. Lunamaria, along with Shinn and Rey, battle the Phantom Pain unit, but the enemy escape with the stolen units and are picked up by the mirage colloid–cloaked Earth Alliance battleship Girty Lue, waiting outside the colony.

After she lands her damaged ZAKU Warrior back on the Minerva an unknown Zaku Warrior also boards the Minerva. Lunamaria holds the passengers at gunpoint until they identify themselves as representative Cagalli Yula Athha of Orb and her bodyguard Alex Dino, who Cagalli accidentally refers to as Athrun. Lunamaria's sister Meyrin Hawke later confirms Alex is former ZAFT member Athrun Zala .

Lunamaria Hawke has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.