CBUB / Database / Comics / L / Lar Gand

Lar Gand

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Lar Gand at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Lar Gand, known primarily as Mon-El (and alternatively as Valor and M'Onel), is a fictional character in DC Comics' universe who is associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes, Superboy, and Superman. The character has been reinterpreted over the years, but in all versions serves as a hero with similar abilities to those of Superman, sometimes serving as a substitute for the better-known character.

A precursor to the Lar Gand character appeared in the story "Superman's Big Brother", in Superman #80 (January–February 1953). He was named Halk Kar, and had a logo-less costume almost identical to Superman's, but with the red and blue colors reversed. He was created by Otto Binder and artist Al Plastino.

In the story, Halk Kar crash-lands on Earth in a rocketship and is rescued by Superman, who discovers that Halk Kar suffers from amnesia. Discovering that Halk Kar has a note from Jor-El (Superman's father) mentioning his son, Superman assumes that Halk Kar must not only be from his own planet Krypton, but he must be a son of Jor-El and thus also his own older brother.

Superman quickly realizes that Halk Kar is less powerful than he is and — instead of subjecting him to embarrassment over the fact that he may be weaker than his younger brother — opts to use his own powers to cover for Halk Kar's deficiencies. This plan backfires, as Halk Kar begins to assume a superior attitude to Superman and even begins to make romantic advances on Superman's girlfriend, Lois Lane.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Anarky 8 to 9

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