CBUB / Database / Cartoons / D / Dr. Mindbender

Dr. Mindbender

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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Dr. Mindbender at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro

Dr. Mindbender is a fictional character from the 1980s G.I. Joe toyline, comics, and animated series. He is a scientist who works for the fictional terrorist organization Cobra.

Dr. Mindbender is a master of mind control and interrogation but his expertise does not stop there as he also has specialties in genetics, cloning and some cybernetics. The Dr. Mindbender toy was barechested, and summarily 'clothed' in purple pants and leather metal-studded suspenders.

Doctor Mindbender was first released as an action figure in 1986.

A new version of Doctor Mindbender was released in 1993 as part of the Battle Corps line.

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