Read more about The Avenger at: Wikipedia Official Site: Moonstone Books The Avenger is a fictional character whose original adventures appeared between September 1939 and September 1942 in the pulp magazine The Avenger, published by Street and Smith Publications. Five additional short stories were published in Clues Detective magazine (1942–1943), and a sixth novelette in The Shadow magazine in 1943. Newly-written adventures were commissioned and published by Warner Brother's Paperback Library from 1973 to 1974. The Avenger was a pulp hero who combined elements of Doc Savage and The Shadow though he was never as popular as either of these characters. The authorship of the pulp series was credited by Street and Smith to Kenneth Robeson, the same byline that appeared on the Doc Savage stories. The "Kenneth Robeson" name was a house pseudonym used by a number of different Street & Smith writers. Most of the original Avenger stories were written by Paul Ernst. Following in the wake of a slew of cancellations (The Skipper, Bill Barnes and The Whisperer "had failed to capture the audience loyalty" of Doc Savage and The Shadow ), in 1939, readers of Street & Smith's Doc Savage pulp magazine "thrilled to a special announcement" that a new periodical - The Avenger "was soon to be published," and would feature stories: :"written by none other than Kenneth Robeson, 'the familiar creator of Doc Savage.'" No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |