CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / M / Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Mac Taylor at: Wikipedia

Official Site: CBS

Mac Taylor is a fictional character and protagonist featured in the TV series CSI: NY. He is played by Gary Sinise. Andy García was originally offered the lead role, a character who would have been named Detective Rick Calucci. He declined, as did Ray Liotta, who later accepted a lead role in another CBS series, Smith, which only lasted 3 episodes.

Mac Taylor shares the same last name with the other character for which Sinise is best known, Lieutenant Dan Taylor from Forrest Gump.

In the Season 2 episode "Fare Game," a man and his daughter are running lines from Of Mice and Men as George Milton and Lennie Small, respectively. Mac walks up and says, "She just might beat us both out for the part." Gary Sinise played George Milton in the 1992 movie version of Of Mice and Men, which he also directed.

In CSI: NY, Mac Taylor is the Head Investigator of the New York Police Department's CSI team. Mac's father served as a Private in the United States Army. We learn in Yahrzeit that Mac's Father, Private First Class McKenna Boyd Taylor served in liberating the concentration camp Buchenwald. A survivor recounted how the elder Taylor restored his dignity and even offered the man his candy bar. Originally from Chicago, he moved to New York after his honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps, where he had achieved the rank of Major (indicated by the gold oak leaves on his collar points in Episode 602 "Blacklist"). However, in episode 2.24, Charge of this Post, Mac was shown having the rank of Sergeant. He now considers New York home and once told a colleague that they were working for the finest city in the finest country in the world. Throughout the series, Mac has shown that he will protect three things at any cost: The honor of his country (through his military service), the safety of his city (through his work at CSI), and the integrity of his lab (through his decision to fire Aiden Burn in Season 2, knocking Hawkes off a case that he deliberately withheld information from and suspending Adam Ross after disobeying a direct order).

Mac Taylor Mac Taylor Mac Taylor Mac Taylor

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss The Scorpio Killer 3 to 4

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