CBUB / Database / Comics / D / Diamondback


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

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Official Site: Marvel Comics

Diamondback is the name of four fictional characters appearing in comic book published by Marvel Comics.

Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) first appeared in Captain America #310 (October 1985), written by Mark Gruenwald and illustrated by Paul Neary.

The first Diamondback was a foe of Luke Cage. Willis Stryker, one of Luke's childhood friends, first appeared in Luke Cage: Hero for Hire #1. Known as Diamondback for his mastery of knives, including specially-gimmicked knives that exploded, released toxic gases or created sonic waves, he was apparently killed in an explosion in Luke Cage: Hero For Hire #2 (June 1972).

Rachel Leighton was born in Austin, Texas. She was once a part time sales clerk at a boutique, but later became a mercenary. In Captain America vol. 1 # 319 she reveals to Captain America that she has a brother and that when she was younger was introduced by him to the super- criminal known as The Trapster. In exchange for weaponry that The Trapster provides her with, Leighton suggests that in return she prostitutes herself to the criminal. One of the members of the original Serpent Society, Diamondback was a seductively sly woman with expertise in hand-to-hand combat, being trained by Anaconda at Taskmaster's academy. Her gimmick was that she threw acid-laced or poison-tipped diamonds at her enemies. After her first confrontation with Captain America while on assignment to find MODOK, she was instantly smitten. Diamondback was assigned to take Captain America into custody from the Porcupine, but was reluctant to attack him, concentrating her efforts on Porcupine instead. She later attempted a partnership with Captain America to locate the Scourge of the Underworld.

Diamondback has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.