CBUB / Database / Horror / T / Tak


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Boratz

Read more about Tak at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Stephen King

Tak is an extradimensional entity existing within the Stephen King Universe. Its activities are limited to the Stephen King and Richard Bachman novels Desperation and The Regulators, respectively (two books which are, in fact, parallel worlds of one other).

The word "tak" itself appears to mean, simply, "big" and/or "powerful."

Unlike most forces of evil in the Stephen King Universe, Tak is incorporeal and seems to be completely unable to form a body on its own; in Desperation, it possesses the bodies of living things (which quickly wear out due to the stresses Tak's energies apparently place on living tissue). In the parallel world Earth of The Regulators, it partially takes over the mind of an autistic boy named Seth (the boy's consciousness remains within the host body, unlike the minds of those possessed by Tak in Desperation).

In both cases, the creature manifests itself in Earth's dimension via an entry point (called an ini) in the bottom of a very deep well in a once abandoned but recently re-opened mine shaft in Nevada. In Desperation, its physical body is actually located in another dimension, but in The Regulators, the entirety of Tak's form consists of an intangible mist with bright red specks throughout; in both cases, it seems unable to move around in this dimension as a free-roaming, disembodied spirit for very long without a corporeal host.

Tak has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.