CBUB / Database / Comics / F / Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Freedom Fighters at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Freedom Fighters is a DC Comics comic book superhero team made up of characters acquired from the defunct company Quality Comics. The team first appeared in a Justice League of America/Justice Society of America team-up, which ran in Justice League of America #'s 107 and 108 (October and December 1973), written by Len Wein and drawn by Dick Dillin. Their own ongoing series premiered with Freedom Fighters #1 (April 1976), written by Gerry Conway and Martin Pasko, and drawn by Rik Estrada.

The earliest version of the Freedom Fighters was assembled on December 7, 1941. This group, however, failed in its attempt to stop the devastation at Pearl Harbor. Magno was killed. This version of the group was a retcon and their deaths were depicted in the pages of Roy Thomas' two books chronicling that era: All-Star Squadron and the Young All-Stars.

The DC version of the characters were said to reside on the parallel world of "Earth-X", where Nazi Germany eventually won a prolonged World War II due to a Japanese invasion of California and the development of nuclear weapons by the Nazis (which implies the successful Allied commando raid on the Tinnsjå train ferry, which delivering heavy water, never happened in this world).

In addition to the core members of the "second team" which were the members seen in the seventies comic book, other Quality heroes joined later: Red Bee, Miss America, Manhunter, Plastic Man, and Quicksilver.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss The Invaders 2 to 4

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