CBUB / Database / Cartoons / N / Nemesis Enforcer

Nemesis Enforcer

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 3
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: chaos-with-honor

Read more about Nemesis Enforcer at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro Entertainment

Nemesis Enforcer (later known as Nemesis Immortal ) is a fictional character; a soldier of Cobra-La in the G. I. Joe universe.

The Nemesis Enforcer is the enigmatic commander of the guard of Cobra-La. The towering guardian rarely speaks, and his stealth abilities, stature and physical attributes imply that he could be the origin of rumors about mythical creatures, such as vampires, though his filecard is more Lovecraftian in tone. His bat-like wings are used for flight, deflection and combat. He also exhibits superhuman strength and scythe-like blades, continuing his forearm and protruding above his elbows. Very few men are able to match his strength, which made him popular at the time.

He is listed as number 8 on UGO's Top Eleven G.I. Joe Villains.

As of July 2009, only two version of Nemesis Enforcer/Immortal have been released by Hasbro. He was first made available in 1987 in a Cobra-La three-pack along with Golobulus and Royal Guard. His only accessories were two backpacks, dark gray wings and green tentacles.

Nemesis Enforcer Nemesis Enforcer

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Taskmaster 5 to 26
Loss Archangel 3 to 10
Loss Alice (Resident Evil) 8 to 11

No Fantasy Draft Records Available