Read more about Speedfreek at: Wikipedia Official Site: Speedfreek is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. Leon Shappe has always been a ruthless killer, even before he got his super-powers as Speedfreak. At some point in his life, Speedfreek became addicted to the drug called "snap". He killed the owner and presumable inventor of his battlesuit in order to steal it. Once Speedfreek's daughter, Kate, discovered what her father was doing for a living, she ran away from home. Later, he was hired by a man called only Mr. Lang and had to kill his rival Ralph Badone. Speedfreek succeeded in that job, additionally killing the man's guards. Lang later also hired Speedfreek to kill the man who had infected his son, Tyler, with AIDS. Speedfreek did as told and located Tyler and his partner at a musical performance during an AIDS benefit party. During the battle he injured both Rick Jones and Jim Wilson. Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk was also present. The Hulk ended the battling by literally punching Speedfreek away. Speedfreek's daughter was killed in front of an abortion clinic by a young , confused boy named Larry. Speedfreak attempted to kill Larry again and again, only to be stopped by the Hulk each time. The Hulk, after healing from many brutal cuts, ended this battle by launching a car battery at Speedfreek's face. He easily sliced it in two, but the acid in the battery hit his face, causing tremendous pain. He was presumably arrested soon after. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |