CBUB / Database / Anime / L / Lil' Slugger

Lil' Slugger

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Mullon

Read more about Lil' Slugger at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Madhouse Ltd.

This is a character guide for the series Paranoia Agent; for more information on the series and its content, please see the main article.

As Paranoia Agent is an extremely character driven story, and the characters tend to shift from in and out of the main focus often the characters will be listed in roughly their order of appearance. As there are more than usual, the central characters will be looked at more than the background or filler characters here as well.

These major characters have recurring roles throughout the series. While other characters may receive the spotlight for an episode, these characters remain pivotal even when they only appear in the background; their relevance to the plot and subplots of Paranoia Agent cannot be overestimated.

First seen writing a series of extremely complex mathematical equations on the asphalt, this sage is doubtless the most mysterious human character in the whole series. He previews each upcoming episode in prophetic visions (which are labeled as such), is able to intuit who is going to be Lil' Slugger's next victim, and appears to have an overarching, indeed archetypal understanding of what's going on with the plot (and for most of the series, he seems to be the only one). He also seems to have the rather bizarre power to go in and out of reality and delusion. While this may initially seem to be a sign of senility, the conclusions he ever so cryptically and poetically hints at always bear fruit, albeit in 20/20 hindsight. He makes a profound mystical connection with Mitsuhiro Maniwa as the series nears its climax, and also has a hand in helping Misae Ikari to find her husband, which in turn helps him to get back to reality. His family is present at his deathbed (as is Maromi), but other than that very little in the way of backstory is provided for him in the series. It is hinted Kawazu had accidentally hit him with a car prior to the series, hence his permanent stay at the hospital. He dies in the penultimate episode, more or less likely from the combined effects of the car accident and old age, but not before passing on his mantle as psychopomp to Maniwa.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Alfred Pennyworth 1 to 4

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