CBUB / Database / Comics / P / Primus (Transformers)

Primus (Transformers)

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Added by: Adam Safran

Read more about Primus (Transformers) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro

Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron.

The first clash between brothers Unicron and Primus came when Unicron succeeded in his goal of consuming the universe. As he slumbered in the void it was revealed that he hadn't been thorough enough — tiny fragments of the universe remained and reacted with each other, leading to the creation of the current universe. The universe grew around Unicron and when he awoke he did not question it, merely beginning to consume it again. The sentient core of the universe responded by creating Primus, a guardian to battle Unicron. The infant universe shook and quaked from the ferocity of their battles and Primus was eventually forced into a desperate gamble.

He shifted the battle to the astral plane where he fared no better and then returned them to the physical universe, but instead of allowing them to materialize in their energy forms he entrapped both Unicron and himself in two metallic asteroids.

In 1991, Primus was briefly awakened by a stray laser blast in the middle of a battle at the planet's core. He screamed once before falling back to sleep, but the scream echoed across existence reaching Unicron's ears. Unicron headed for Cybertron sending his herald, Galvatron, ahead of him. Galvatron proved treacherous and awakened Primus who possessed the body of Emirate Xaaron and brought all the Transformers to Cybertron before Unicron destroyed him. Subsequently, Unicron was destroyed by Optimus Prime. In the animated series, however, it is Hot Rod who destroys Unicron.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Krystalak 21 to 4